Tara Andris Cloud Paintings

I am fascinated by clouds and cloud patterns. I am the geek that sits plastered to the plexi during flights so I can see all the beautiful clouds along the way. :)

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Tara Andris is a Kansas City artist who paints the most beautiful cloud and abstract scenes. She starts out by gold or silver leafing her canvases, so that after her painting process, the end result is a dreamy, luminescent and very life-like cloud pattern.

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I hung my Tara Andris cloud painting in our library and I think it looks lovely in here. It might end up having another home as I hang more art and more around furniture, but it looks great here for now. It might be extra perfect here when I finish our blue glossy walls in the music room.

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I love how you can see some of the texture on the surface from the leafing process.

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Tara also happened to be a blog reader and she asked if I would like to give away one of her paintings. She sent me this beautiful painting called 'Brooklyn' (fitting!!) to gift one of you lovely readers.

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Here's a close up. Isn't it stunning? Tara's paintings are best in rooms with great natural light.

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It's like they light up in the sun! So pretty!

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Tara sells her original works here, and her prints, iPhone and iPad covers, totes and pillows here. To enter to win this beautiful original oil on top of leaf on canvas, visit Tara's shop and leave a comment on this post with your favorite painting of Tara's.

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Contest ends Dec. 21 at midnight. Winner will be emailed. Good luck!! (and many thanks to Tara!)
