Thinking About Kitchen Sinks

I've been making lists of projects I'd like to finish this year at the brownstone and I think it's time to replace the counters in our small kitchen and change out the sink.

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I have some research to do here still, but I am completely intrigued by this only $300 IKEA almost farmhouse style apron sink.

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Most of these apron style sinks are under mount basins (which I really like for counter cleaning purposes). But I'm sort of digging the look of the fluted shelf/mini drainage area along the back of the sink.

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Luckily, the dimensions of the double bowl are perfect for my existing cabinets (installation would require us to cut out the faux drawer front and that's about it other than adding in some additional internal supports), but I'd need to get a new one-hole faucet to replace the bridge we have in there now.

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I think something pretty modern like (and less expensive than?) this one would be a great mix with the style of the sink.

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Do you have the Domsjo sink from IKEA? Thoughts on apron style sinks in general? Too played out? It's pretty hard to beat that price tag though!

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