New Favorite Color Combo: Burgundy and Hot Pink

I'm still riding the oxblood/burgundy trend train. I think the color is still so fresh.

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I wish I had my good camera with me when I found these vases at an antique store. The color was so pretty. A gorgeous colorwash of oxblood, hot pink and cream. The vases were perfection, and I wanted them so bad for my bookshelves, but they were a little too pricey to buy on a whim. The color combo stuck though and I haven't been able to get burgundy + bright pink out of my mind.

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I fell in love with this rug all over again when I got home...

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Couldn't help but love this parrot tulip pairing at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden...

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I got Michael a new tie from this Great Gatsby collection...

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And I've started dreaming up ways to include the combo in my work and my wardrobe...

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What color combos are you obsessing over lately? 
