Concrete Planters

It's going to be sixty degrees today! What-what! Looks like yard work weather is upon us. I went to the garden center this weekend to pick up some flower beds and a few new planters for the balcony (this is finally happening!).

I found a few big boxwoods on sale and some pretty flowers for planting around the playhouse. And I wasn't sure if I had gone crazy when I was tempted by these flamingos.  #notAprilfoolsing

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There were some really beautiful concrete planters at Lowes that I loved, but they were pretty pricey. So I bought a bag of concrete instead thinking I could come up with a DIY. When I got home I found this easy tutorial from BHG. It's just too good not to copy. :)

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The basic idea is to use an interesting container for the outside shape with something basic and smaller inside.

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Aren't these pretty? I'm really loving the sort of corrugated edged ones especially.

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Have you ever done any concrete work? I've not done much yet, but I have at least three big projects using concrete planned for this year so I have a feeling I'm going to get a lot more comfortable with this stuff before long. :)
